Liverpool Chinese New Year
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2025 YEAR OF THE Snake
Xīn Nián Kuài Lè! 新年快乐 Happy Chinese New Year!
To celebrate the Year of the Snake, Culture Liverpool, Liverpool Chinese Community groups and other organisations have arranged a series of arts and cultural events from Saturday 25th January, with the main celebration taking place on Sunday 2nd Februarys. As always, the street festivities will be fun-filled, with plenty of activities for children and adults to enjoy, including: Chinese New Year Market, Lion, Dragon & Unicorn Street Parades, Spectacular Firecracker Display
Join us in 2025 as we welcome the Year of the Snake during our Chinese New Year celebrations.
Xīn Nián Kuài Lè! 新年快乐 Happy Chinese New Year!
To celebrate the Year of the Snake, Culture Liverpool, Liverpool Chinese Community groups and other organisations have arranged a series of arts and cultural events from Saturday 25th January, with the main celebration taking place on Sunday 2nd Februarys. As always, the street festivities will be fun-filled, with plenty of activities for children and adults to enjoy, including: Chinese New Year Market, Lion, Dragon & Unicorn Street Parades, Spectacular Firecracker Display
Join us in 2025 as we welcome the Year of the Snake during our Chinese New Year celebrations.
Key events information Sunday 2nd February 11:30am Traditional Chinese Lion, Dragon & Unicorn Dance (Nelson Street & Berry Street, Liverpool) Join the fun as the celebrations start when the Dragon and Lion arrive outside The Black-E and the Unicorn on Nelson Street to greet the community. More information: www.lcba.net or facebook: Liverpool Chinese Business Association 12:00pm Lucky Man New Year Greeting (Great George Square, Liverpool) A special appearance from the ‘Lucky Man’ handing out red envelopes to children. 13:00pm Spectacular Firecracker Display (Great George Square, Liverpool) Enjoy the spectacular firecracker display with music and Martial Arts Demonstration. 11am – 5pm Chinese New Year Family Zone & Performance Stage (Great George Square) Throughout the day the Family Zone will be animated with activities for all ages including workshops, street performances, face painting & much more! Come along and see the Chinese Opera characters, beautiful performances, and make something special to take home. More information and details of timings, family workshops, street theatre and Chinese New Year shows on website 11:30pm – 5:00pm Great George Square Stage 大喬治廣場大舞台 11:30 – 12:15 Kwong Tam Merseyside School of Tai Chi (in association with See Yep Association) 春節太極表演 12.15pm - 1.00pm Pagoda Arts - Tai Chi & Chinese Dance and Pagoda Arts Drumming Ensemble (Youth Orchestra) 百祥塔藝術中心 : 太極 和 中國舞 和 百祥塔鼓樂團(青年樂團) 1.00pm - 1.40pm Firecracker Display - Lucky Man, Dragon & Unicorn Parades 大型爆竹表演 – 財神爺派利是、舞龍 醒獅及麒麟巡遊表演 1.40pm - 1.50pm Liverpool Hung Gar Kung Fu Friendship Association - Martial Arts Demonstration 利物浦洪家功夫武館 : 武術示範 1.55pm - 2.05pm In Harmony Chamber Stars with Pagoda Arts In Harmony Chamber Stars 和百祥塔藝術中心 2.10pm - 2.25pm Wah Sing Chinese Community Centre - Chinese School Singing & Dance Performance 華聲社 : 中文學校歌舞表演 2.35pm - 2.40pm Wirral Chinese Cultural Association - Classical Chinese Dance: A World Within a Flower & Nanping Evening Bells 偉盧華人文化協會: 舞蹈 - 花中世界及南屏晚鐘 2.40pm - 2.45pm Friendship Dancers - Traditional Chinese Dance - Chinese Fan Dance: Dancing Butterflies 友情舞蹈會: 中國傳統舞蹈 -中國扇子舞: 蝶舞 2.45pm - 2.50pm UK Phoenix Chinese Cultural & Artistic Association - Traditional Dance: Apple Scent 英国凤凰中艺文创会: 傳統舞蹈 - 蘋果香 2.55pm - 3.10pm Liverpool Chinese Gospel Church Choir 利物浦華人福音教會合唱團 3.15pm - 3.35pm Tian Qiyi - Chinese Fusion Music 天•齐一 ~中國融合音樂 3.40pm - 3.50pm Movema Dance - Spring Harvest Medley 莫维马舞蹈队 – 春收 3.55pm - 4.00pm Friendship Dancers - Traditional Chinese Dance - Chinese Line Dance: In Love 友情舞蹈會 : 傳統舞蹈 – 愛 4.05pm - 4.25pm Tian Qiyi - Chinese Fusion Music 天•齐一 ~中國融合音樂 4.30pm - 4.55pm Bring the Fire Project - Fire Finale: Serpentine Flames With Live Music From Renegade Snares 熱火迎新年表演: 蛇形火焰與叛逆小鼓的現場音樂 5.00pm - Event Ends 活動結束 Traditional Chinese Arts, Workshops & Activities, Great George Square, Nelson Street, Sat 1 Feb 12.00pm - 5pm, Sun 2 Feb 11.00am - 5.00pm Throughout the day the Family Zone will be animated with activities for all ages including workshops, street performances, face painting & much more! 傳統中華藝術、工作坊和活動,大喬治廣場,尼爾森街 2月1日,星期六, 中午12點至下午 5 點 2月2日,星期日, 上午 11 點至下午 5 點 家庭歡樂區全天都將會有適合所有年齡段人士們參與的活動,包括工作坊、驚喜街頭表演、面部彩繪 等! Pop Up Street Performances Performances will take place at 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm in various locations throughout Chinatown 驚喜街頭表演 表演將於下午 2 點、3 點 和 4 點舉行——唐人街不同地點 cultureliverpool.co.uk/liverpool-lunar-new-year #LNYLiverpool Logos: CL, LCBA, LCC, Arts Council, UKSPF. With support from: Royal Albert Dock, Liverpool ONE, Liverpool BID, Met Quarter www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/cny |
Sunday 2nd February 11am – 6:00pm John Collins Funfairs (Great George Street and Grenville Street, Liverpool) Children & Family rides 11am – 6:45pm The Taste of China Sunday Street Market (Great George Street, Liverpool) The Sunday Street Market is not to be missed with a variety of stalls featuring everything thing from traditional Chinese cuisine to keepsakes of the day and gifts – there is something for all ages. Pagoda Arts Chinese New Year activities Celebrating the Pagoda Arts 10th years anniversary, we will be kick start our series of performances on this most important date in the Chinese Calendar – 2nd February, 1:30pm @ Pagoda Arts Centre. The Pagoda is the home of the largest Chinese Youth Orchestra in Europe, which has achieved international acclaims under the direction of Zi Lan Liao. The Pagoda opens its door and welcomes you to enjoy a series of Cultural events over the New Year period. For school, college and group booking, please ring in advance. Pagoda Arts Centre, Henry Street, Liverpool L1 5BU Tel: 0151 233 8833 Mobile: 07769330440 email: info@pagodaarts.org.uk For the latest information and news: www.pagodaarts.org.uk St Luke’s Bombed Out Church: Legends of Spring, Sat 1 - Sun 2 Feb, 5.30pm - 9.00pm Join local immersive experts Focal Studios for their imaginative story ‘Legends of Spring’, which will be shown over two spectacular nights. The free projection show, lasting 10 minutes, will be played on repeat throughout each night. Unfolding like a video game ‘Legends of Spring’ will level-up audiences through mythical tales of creation, harmony, and renewal. Developed in collaboration with Pagoda Arts, the story weaves traditional Chinese folklore with a celebration of Liverpool’s cultural heritage. Adding a playful touch, 8-bit retro video game artwork created by local schoolchildren and community groups enhances the narrative. 聖盧克教堂 春天的傳說,2 月 1 日星期六 - 2 月 2 日星期日,下午 5:30 - 晚上 9:00 與當地沉浸式專家 Focal Studios 一起觀看他們富有想像力的故事“春天的傳奇”,該故事將在兩個夜晚上演。 這個故事是與百祥塔藝術中心合作的,將中國傳統民間傳說與利物浦的文化遺產融為一體。由當地學童和社區團體創作的8 位復古電玩藝術作品增添了俏皮的氣息,增強了敘事性。像電子遊戲《春天的傳說》一樣展開,透過創造、和諧和更新的神話故事來展現給觀眾。 節目免費放映, 持續 10 分鐘,每晚都會重複播放。 Lunar Wildflower Garden: A Community Art Installation, Sat 1 - Sun 2 Feb, 11am - 5.00pm The grounds of St Luke’s Bombed Out Church will be brought to life with a stunning display of art and culture! This year’s installation features vibrant wildflowers made from upcycled plastic bottles, crafted by local schoolchildren and volunteers. Inspired by the rich biodiversity of East and South East Asia, these sculptures symbolize unity, creativity, and a commitment to sustainability. Everyone is welcome and it’s free to enter. 新春花園 : 社區藝術裝置,2 月 1 日星期六至 2 月 2 日星期日,上午 11 點至下午 5 點 聖盧克教堂的場地也將透過令人驚嘆的視聽藝術裝置而煥發活力! 今年的裝置作品以由當地學童和志工用回收塑膠瓶製成的充滿活力的野花為特色。這些雕塑的靈感來自東亞和東南亞豐富的生物多樣性,象徵著團結、創造力和對永續發展的承諾。活動免費, 歡迎大家來欣賞。 Not to be missed! 'Liverpool ONE
Willow Snake Sculpture, on display until the end of Lunar New Year festivities. Newly commissioned by Liverpool ONE and Culture Liverpool for the Lunar New Year 2025, artist Sarah Gallagher-Hayes of Twigtwisters, has created a sssspectacular willow snake sculpture in celebration of the Year of the Wood Snake. This stunning sculpture is on display in the pools on Thomas Steers Way throughout the festivities. 利物浦一區 柳蛇雕塑,展示至農曆新年結束。 受利物浦一區和利物浦文化部的委託,Twigtwisters 藝術家 Sarah Gallagher-Hayes 為慶祝 2025 年農曆新年,創作了一件極其壯觀的柳蛇雕塑,慶祝木蛇年。 在整個節日期間,這座令人驚嘆的雕塑都將在托馬斯·斯蒂爾斯路 (Thomas Steers Way) 的水池中展出。 Royal Albert Dock Liverpool Anchor Courtyard Crafty Workshops, Sat 1 Feb 12.00pm - 4pm, Sun 2 Feb 11.00am - 5.00pm Enjoy free art workshops in Anchor Courtyard. Perfect for the whole family, get creative, take part in hands-on activities, and take home your very own Chinese New Year creations. Lunar New Year Hearts, on display until the end of Lunar New Year festivities. Don’t miss the new art installation by Design Laser Play. The iconic hearts at Royal Albert Dock Liverpool have been reimagined to celebrate the Year of the Snake and can be found at the entrance to Anchor Courtyard. 利物浦皇家阿爾伯特碼頭Anchor Courtyard 藝術工作坊,2 月 1 日星期六中午 12 點至下午 4 點,2 月 2 日星期日上午11 點至下午 5 點 在 Anchor Courtyard 享受免費的藝術工作坊。非常適合全家人一起來發揮創意,參與動手活動,並將您自己的農曆新年作品帶回家。 農曆新年愛心,展出至農曆新年慶祝活動結束。 請不要錯過 Design Laser Play 以慶祝蛇年的全新藝術裝置。利物浦皇家阿爾伯特碼頭的標誌性心形圖案經過重新設計, 位於 Anchor Courtyard 入口處。 |
The 2025 Liverpool Chinatown Chinese New Year Co-ordinating Committee would like to thank its sponsors and supporters and wish you all “Gung Hey Fat Choi!”
This event is organised by the 2025 Liverpool Chinatown Chinese New Year Co-ordinating Committee in partnership with Liverpool City Council. For more details please visit www.lcba.net Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/lcba.net/
More Event infomation Visit :
This event is organised by the 2025 Liverpool Chinatown Chinese New Year Co-ordinating Committee in partnership with Liverpool City Council. For more details please visit www.lcba.net Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/lcba.net/
More Event infomation Visit :
利物浦市將於2025年2月中開始慶祝中國新年﹐ 而主要的慶祝活動是在2月2日 (星期日)。一如往常﹐利物浦華人社區的團體和組織舉辦了一系列適合老少咸宜的藝術與文化慶祝活動﹐節目包括: 中國農曆新年市場與中國新年合家歡户外大型舞台, 舞龍舞獅, 財神派利是在上午12時開始﹔ 到下午1時開始燃點賀歲炮竹。欲知更多關於節目的安排﹐ 請參閱網址: http://www.lcba.net
二月二日(星期日) 時間: 上午十二時至下午四時 虎年舞龍﹐醒獅及麒麟表演街頭巡遊 地點: 從The Black-E, 1 Great George Street出發,去到唐人街祝賀, 及各式中國表演。詳情請訪問 www.lcba.net facebook: Liverpool Chinese Business Association 二月二日(星期日) 時間: 下午一時 大型爆竹表演, 財神派利是 地點: 唐人街 Great George Square/ Nelson st 觀賞壯觀的爆竹表演。當然屆時將有穿著傳統服飾的財神大派紅包給小孩子, 功夫表演 詳情請訪問 www.lcba.net facebook: Liverpool Chinese Business Association 二月二日(星期日) 時間: 上午十一時半至下午六時 中國新年合家歡户外大型舞台 地點: Great George Square 今年將設有一個新的和令人興奮的家庭歡樂區和舞台 -我們百祥塔的少年儿童,家庭藝術工作坊,街頭戲劇,藝術裝置,來看看中國戲劇的服裝,角色和表演,做一些特別的東西帶回家。詳情請訪問 www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/cny 在農曆新年期間,Focal Studios 和 Scenegraph Studios 製作了一隻水虎的 3D 動畫投影,該水虎樓通過投影映射在聖盧克教堂塔,這座塔將變成一座帶有精美中國新年裝飾的寶塔。 觀眾會興奮地看到老虎與塔周圍的裝飾和邊界互動——影響到聖盧克教堂塔上! 当晚也可以看到中國彩燈項目-3D 燈籠展示, 該節目持續 10 分鐘,將於 二月二日下午 6 點至晚上 9 點循環播放。 該活動由利物浦文化中心、利物浦市議會委託,可免費參加观看投影,也歡迎大家捐款 。 https://www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/water-tiger-3d-animated-projection/ |
時間: 中午十一時半至下午七時 John Colins Funfairs 機動遊樂場 地點: 唐人街 Great George Street 各式各樣的兒童機動遊戲之餘﹐還有一些高至可眺望到本市的壯觀景色及驚 心動魄的機動遊戲, 特別適合那些挑戰膽量的人士。 二月二日(星期日) 時間: 上午十一時半至下午五時 唐人街週日新春市場 地點: Great George Street 新春市場內有各式各樣的街頭美食,禮品及紀念品供大家選購。 百祥塔藝術中心農曆新年節目 Pagoda Arts Centre, Henry Street, Liverpool L1 5BU 为庆祝百祥塔艺术中心十周年纪念, 我们将在这中国最重要的日子-农历 新年二月二日, 下午1:30 在 百祥塔艺术中心开始我们这一年一系列的演出活动。 百祥塔艺术中心是欧洲第一的少年儿童乐中乐团的根据地。 電話: 0151 2338833 Mobile: 07769330440 電郵: info@pagodaarts.org.uk 詳情請访问: www.pagodaarts.org.uk |